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"If You Only Knew"

Brandon Battiste

Updated: Dec 7, 2023

The “If You Only Knew” EP released by the Demos is an album with a throwback feel to it with 4 upbeat tracks about love. The album starts off with the first song “Lonesome No More” which is about how the singer only needs that one special person. The song definitely sounds like it’s straight out of the 80’s with the production and the catchy hook. I think people that grew up on older rock bands would love this type of sound displayed by The Demos. The second song “Make It Better” is about a chill song with a chill vibe that reminds me of Foster The People. I enjoyed listening to the this song because it reminded me of songs I used to hear when I was younger, which gave me a feeling of nostalgia. The next song “If You Only Knew” is about how the singer is saying if the person he has his eye on knew how much he cared for them, they would love him like nobody else. I think this song has a really cool sound to it and some really great guitar work on it as well. I think everyone can relate to the message of the song because everyone at one time or another has wanted someone to like them as much as they like that person. Personally for myself, I related to this track and enjoyed hearing it. The last track “Nervous” is about telling the person you love how you feel and how nervous it can be. This is another very relateable track. I’m sure everyone was at one time nervous to be around the person that they admired. This song is the most upbeat of the 4 and has some really solid background vocals in the chorus. Overall, I think this is a really solid album. I think it employed a unique song for today’s day and age, with lyrics that everyone can relate to. I do believe this band has a lot of potential and I’m interested to see what they’re going to do in the future.

Rate: 4/5 stars.

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