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“Swimming”-Mac Miller

Zachary Penzabene

Updated: Dec 7, 2023

Mac Miller’s latest album,” Swimming,” is an amazing album that encapsulates the human struggle of trying to become content, successful, and satisfied with our lives. Mac Miller describes his own his struggles of becoming successful and maintaining control of his life once becoming famous. “Swimming,” is a greater allegory comparing existence to water and how we must learn to swim in it or we will struggle to stay afloat and eventually drown. That theme is creatively woven throughout the album within different metaphors on the various tracks. This album is 57 minutes in length and features 14 different songs.

The album starts off strong with the song, “Come Back to Earth.” This stellar intro is the foundation of this album that introduces many of the important themes on this album, such as: questioning self-doubt, self-acceptance, and newfound optimism. It goes on to the post breakup song, “Hurt Feelings,” which was inspired by his break up with Ariana Grande. Then to the great funky hit, “What’s the use?” featuring Snoop Dogg. The middle bulk of songs are some of the greatest hits on this album, including: “Wings,” “Self Care,” “Ladders,” and “Small World.” These songs best capture the ideas and motifs behind this album. “Wings,” is an amazing song with good instrumentals that captures the struggle of healing from life’s scars and that feeling of soaring through the sky when we do. “2009” and “So it Goes” have some of the best instrumentals on the album. “So It Goes,” is the final song on the album and one of my favorites, it provides an ecstasy of instrumentals and beautiful message of being content with successes we’ve had and the indifference we must have towards hardships we endure.

Overall this album has great sound and stunning delivery with its songs. The album has a very chill vibe, the instrumentals have a smooth electronic soul sound to them that mix well with the lyrics. Mac Miller, as always, delivered hard with his lyrics. Each word in this album is skillfully crafted with cleverness, quickness, and deepness creating powerful messages and themes throughout.

4.5/5 stars

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