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Katy Perry: Witness

Shannon Reagan

Updated: Dec 7, 2023


Katy Perry just released her 5th studio album called “Witness”. As someone who has her other albums and loved them, I feel this one is slightly different than her usual albums, but still amazing. Something I have noticed about her other albums is a routine of having the hot, pop songs that make it huge on radio such as ‘Firework’, ‘Teenage Dream’, and ‘Roar’. However, she also always has so much more on her albums that do not get the radio treatment, because they are not as mainstream sounding as the others. These songs are beautiful treasures to me and showcase her talent, both musically and lyrically.

The thing that is different with ‘Witness’ is it seems like more of these tracks have slower beats and more lyrics written from the heart. It is not that these songs cannot stand up to others out right now, but because it does not have the typical mainstream sound, I can see why some have not been in love with the sound. A few of the songs with pop beats have been released as singles already such as ‘Chained to the Rhythm’, ‘Swish Swish’, and “Bon Appetit’. These songs are all great but she has so many that are still amazing, just slower with the tune. One of my favorites is ‘Roulette’, which gave me an Eurythmics vibe. Another song that I really enjoyed was ‘Miss You More’ which was a song about realizing later on how much you love someone. Another song that intrigued me was called ‘Into Me You See’. I thought the title was a bit odd before listening, then I understood it later on. The song sounded very intimate to me and truly written from the heart, and then she mixed the words “into me you see” basically sounding like “intimacy”. I think this was so clever and well written. I feel like Katy Perry is the metaphor queen, including many metaphors all over her songs, and they always sound amazing in the final product.

I feel like this album carries much more of her personal work. The songs sound true to her and who she wants to be. She has been going through some rough patches in life, and I think this album has a little bit of a spotlight on that. She sounds like herself which is beautiful to me. If you are just a fan of her mainstream pieces, this album may disappoint you, but if you are someone who loves the true music of Katy I highly suggest checking this one out.

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